Learn the Top Trout Flies
So You Can Catch More Fish
Normal Price: $99.99 | Lifetime Access: $25 (75% Off!)
Fully Online | Self Paced | Lifetime Access
111 Pages | 100+ Fly Images | Seasonal Fly Charts
Top Trout Flies Course
13 Lessons | 100+ Pages
Seasonal Fly Charts For Every Fly
- Learn the Top Trout Flies That Catch More Fish
- We Teach You How to Fish Those Flies in Every Different Situation
- Understand the Entomology Behind Each Fly So You Know the Sizes/Colors to Have
- Learn the Names and Variations of the Top Flies to Imitate Any Insect
- Make Fly Selection Easier by Learning When to Use Each Fly
- Use Our Charts to Assemble the Perfect Fly Box
- Catch Fish Faster by Learning When to Use Each Fly
You’ll Also Get These Freebies with the Course:
- $10 coupon for free flies ($10 value)
- FREE Fly Fishing Basics Lesson
- A PDF of the course for offline viewing (on request)
- FREE Access to our fly selection mastery series
- 50% Off our Online Entomology Course ($100 Value)
Normal Price: $99.99
Lifetime Access: $25
Coupon Code: MASTER-FLY
All 10 Fly Lessons Include
- The history of the fly
- The secret to why the fly is so productive
- A diagram showing the best sizes and colors for each season
- The entomology behind each fly (order, species, size & color)
- How to modify the the fly for each insect it imitates
- Tips to know when to fish the fly on the water
- Tips on how to fish they fly for the most success
- Common modifications and tying variations with pictures
Normal Price: $99.99
Lifetime Access: $25
Seasonal Fly Chart Example
Here is an example of the seasonal fly chart that comes with every top fly in the course. This will help you understand what sizes and colors to carry for each season when you fly fish as well as which patterns imitate what insects including those individual colors and sizes for each different insect:
So for example:
If you are fishing in spring and want to have a copper john imitate BWO, Hendricksons, and March Brown mayfly nymphs, then you’ll want sizes #16-#20 in Brown, Olive or Dark Olive, and you’ll want Sizes #10 – #16 in Brown, Pink or Tan for Hendricksons, and you’ll want #12 – #18 in Brown, Gray or Tan for March Browns. If you want to simplify the selection, you’ll see that Brown is always a color that holds strong across every insect and species, so you can carry Brown in size #10 – #18 to simplify your selection and carry fewer flies, or carry the lot and always be prepared.
Our course gives you all the information you need to make the best decisions on fly selection for your favorite waters and adventures.
Buy the Course and Master Fly Selection
Normal Price: $99.99
Lifetime Access: $25
Coupon Code: MASTER-FLY